
Polished Concrete Floor Care

polished concrete floor care

Polished Concrete Floor Care & Maintenance

Polished concrete floors are low-maintenance, as they are more durable and easier to clean than many flooring options. Its relatively high coefficient of friction can make it non-slippery. Polished concrete reduces dust mite and allergen problems, and does not support mould growth. Anecdotal evidence suggests highly reflective polished concrete reduces lighting needs and improves natural lighting, but as yet there has not been a study to confirm this. Polished concrete flooring is hard wearing and will not chip or dent like softer surfaces such as timber.

Mopping with warm soapy water once a week is the only maintenance required. A concrete floor that has been hardened and polished will have an extremely long life expectancy compared to other flooring. For example, tile that may only last 10–20 years(tile is a vague term. porcelain will last hundreds of years with no maintenance), but a polished concrete floor that has been properly maintained may give 100+ years of service.

To maintain your polished concrete floor, you should avoid:
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    [li]Abrasive dirt, especially sand, sandy soils, and winter deicing salts can wear through any stain protection and will eventually dull your polished concrete[/li]
    [li]Harsh or corrosive chemicals[/li]
    [li]Materials that are NOT pH neutral, materials such as ammonia, citrus cleaner, bleach, pine based cleaners, or vinegar[/li]


Regulaur Polished Concrete Floor Care
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  • Dust mop the floor daily with a microfiber pad to keep dirt particles off the floor. Soils act as an abrasive and can ruin the clarity and shine of polished concrete.
  • If wet mopping the floor, always use clean water and clean mops. Use an automatic floor scrubber equipped with a nonabrasive pad to clean large square footage areas. Mop and bucket cleaning can be used in smaller areas.
  • When wet mopping, use a neutral floor cleaner formulated to suspend the dirt particles so they can be more easily removed. Using water only leaves much of the dirt on the floor, where it will eventually abrade and discolor the surface.
  • Try to clean spills and stains from the floor as quickly as possible so they don’t absorb into the surface.
  • Give the cleaner enough time to start breaking down the grime, such grease and other contaminants, and then suspend the particles. If you apply a cleaning agent and then immediately vacuum it or mop it from the surface, the cleaner will not have sufficient time to work.
  • Make sure the cleaning solution does not dry on the surface. This can be accomplished by cleaning small areas and making sure the entire process is complete before moving on to other areas.
  • Remember, never use materials that are NOT pH neutral, materials such as ammonia, citrus cleaner, bleach, pine based cleaners, or vinegar. Clean up spills as quickly as possible. Less time on your floor means less chance of stains.
