
Mon - Fri: 09:00AM - 17:00PM
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Highlands Ranch, CO
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Good News for Fly Ash

by Bill Palmer How many of you believe that we are running out of high quality fly ash? According to Rafic Minkara, president of Headwaters Resources, none of us should raise our hand because he insists there is plenty....

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The Inflatable Concrete Dome

Concrete domes or large shell structures made of stone are hardly ever built any more. The reason is that their construction requires large, expensive supporting structures. Thanks to the studies and innovation of those at TU Vienna, that may...

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Concrete Floor Coating Terminology

Floor Coating Terminology You have made the decision to finish off your concrete floor. You have done your research and are looking for a bit more information. There is typical lingo that goes with each industry you encounter; floor...

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Efflorescence: What Causes it and How do You Remove it?

by Joe Nasvik, based upon an interview with Stan Stratton, Director of Technology Development, L.M. Scofield Company What Causes Efflorescence Efflorescence occurs with all concrete and is the most frequent problem that concrete contractors face with colored concrete. Owners...

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Concrete Used in Ancient Rome

A Concrete Fact Did you know that architects in ancient Rome used concrete to create many durable structures, some of which are still standing.But the recipe for how to make concrete was forgotten for more than a thousand years...

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DysCrete: Building Art Invention

Ex­per­i­men­tal En­er­gy Pro­duc­tion Sys­tems Photos and Post Credit: Building Art Invention DYSCRETE – SO­LAR POW­ER FROM CON­CRETE DysCrete is an in­no­va­tive ap­proach to the gen­er­a­tion of en­er­gy, based on the same un­der­ly­ing prin­ci­ples as dye-sen­si­tized so­lar cells (DYSC), from...

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Garage Coating Installation

Preparing for a Garage Coating Installation Metrolinx Construction often encounters homeowners who want to have a garage coating installation, but don’t know what is or should be involved before we arrive to begin the garage coating installation process. Determine...

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Decorative Stamped Concrete: Is it right for you?

Why people choose decorative stamped concrete? Decorative stamped concrete is appealing for many reasons. It is an economical alternative to pavers and natural stone, especially for applications such as patios, driveways, walkways, and pool decks. It also requires less...

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